A Crusader Publishing ofereceu-me hoje a versão em PDF deste livro de regras (obrigado Mark), o que significa que vou ter leitura para mais uns tempos.
Esta oferta que muito me agradou, alimenta cada vez mais a minha avidez de leitura de livros de regras.
Como é evidente ainda não tive tempo de analisar com a devida atenção este conjunto de regras, mas à primeira vista gostei bastante da parte gráfica do texto, dos diagramas auxiliares e das imagens que o livro contém.
Nas pesquisas efectuadas na web sobre o March Attack, só encontrei observações e comentários bastante positivos.
Isto pode significar o meu regresso aos jogos deste período da história, o limpar das armas e a poeira das minhas figuras napoleónicas em 20mm.
Bons jogos
The Crusader Publishing offered me today the PDF version of this rule book (thanks Mark), which means I'll have something more to read.
This offer that much pleased me, feed even more my eagerness for rules books .
Of course I have not had time to make an detailed view of this rules set, but at first glance I really liked the graphical part of text, diagrams and auxiliary images that the book contains.
I've searched on the web about March Attack, and only found very positive remarks and comments.
This maybe means my return to the games of this period of history, and the dust cleaning from my 20mm napoleonic figures.
This offer that much pleased me, feed even more my eagerness for rules books .
Of course I have not had time to make an detailed view of this rules set, but at first glance I really liked the graphical part of text, diagrams and auxiliary images that the book contains.
I've searched on the web about March Attack, and only found very positive remarks and comments.
This maybe means my return to the games of this period of history, and the dust cleaning from my 20mm napoleonic figures.
Good games