Saturday, 5 November 2011

RSO tractor with Flak 38 - 20mm

A minha última conversão um RSO OST Tractor com um canhão FLAK 38 de 20mm.

My last conversion work, an RSO OST Tractor with a FLAK 38 de 20mm gun.
Vehicle, gun and crew from Wargames-South miniatures (
The rider is a Pendraken figure (

Com material cénico da J MINIS.
With J MINIS scenics.

Enjoy it

Monday, 31 October 2011

Manufacturers Comparison 2 - Panzer III

Desta vez a comparação entre fabricantes, é dedica ao Panzer III.
Os modelos apresentados foram produzidos pela World Tank Museum-Takara, Wargames-South e Dragon-CanDo.
Tirem as vossas conclusões.

This time the comparison between manufacturers, is dedicated to Panzer III.
The models presented were produced by Takara-World Tank Museum, Wargames-South and Dragon-CanDo.
Take your conclusions.
Da esqª para a dirª - Left to rigth
WTM - WGS - Dragon CanDo

Panzer III Ausf J WTM Series 07 "Battle of Kursk"
G305 Pzkpfw III Ausf M with Skirt Armour
CAN20096F  Panzer III Ausf. M 3.SS-PzGrenDiv., "Totenkopf", Kursk 1943
Rear view

Side by side
 Enjoy it