Friday, 7 January 2011

Exército Romano Clássico - Classical Roman Army Part I

Regressando ao "chumbo", lembrei-me de colocar aqui, algumas fotos dos meus "velhinhos" Romanos.
Já participaram em jogos de DBA em França, Itália e Espanha.
Agora estão colocados em bases para as regras AWE - ABC (Arcane Warfare).
São figuras em 15mm do excelente fabricante galego CORVUS BELLI, os decalques são caseirinhos.
Tenho um especial carinho por este exército, porque foram as minhas primeiras figuras desta marca.

Returning to "lead", I remembered to put here, some pictures of my "oldies " Romans.
They have participated in games of DBA in France, Italy and Spain.
Now they are placed into bases for the rules of ABC - AWE (Arcane Warfare).
These 15mm figures are from the excellent Galician manufacturer CORVUS BELLI, and the decals are home made.
I have a special affection for this army because they were my first figures of this brand.

25BC - 200AD
Lorica Segmentata
Auxilia ao ataque - Charging Auxilia
Á espera do combate - Waiting for combat
Mercenários Celtas - Celtic Mercenaries

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Artilharia Austríaca Napoleónica - Napoleonic Austrian Artillery 1/72

Agora apresento-vos umas figuras pintadas à cerca de 10/12 anos, que representam a Artilharia utilizada nas Guerras Napoleónicas pelo exército Austríaco.
Considero que são as melhores figuras da HaT dessa época, na minha opinião claro.
Também me parece ser o único set de figuras que representam a artilharia austríaca, com os respectivos artilheiros na escala de 1/72.
Espero que gostem.

Now I present you some figures painted about 10-12 years ago, representing the Artillery used in the Napoleonic Wars by the Austrian army.
I believe they are the best figures from HaT at the time, in my opinion of course.
I also believe that's the only set of figures representing the Austrian artillery, with their complete crew in 1/72 scale.
Hope you enjoy.
Figuras da HaT - HaT Figures - 1/72

Monday, 3 January 2011

Infantaria Prussa - Prussian Infantry

Ora aqui está mais uma série de imagens dos meus "Nap's" em 1/72.

Now here's another series of pictures of my "Nap's " in 1 / 72.
 Revell figures - 1/72
The Prussian Commander and his faithful companion
By 1815 Prussia had suffered much in the wars with Napoleon, but was still very eager to see the destruction of the French dictator before he could regain his strength. Their presence in the Low Countries meant they had their opportunity, and despite the reverse at Ligny they were crucial to the ultimate victory at Waterloo, a battle characterised largely by the Allied army under Wellington holding fast and waiting for the arrival of the Prussians.