Guerra dos Sete Anos / SYW in 10mm

Update 16/08/2012

Infantaria Francesa, "Piémont Infanterie", protagonistas da Batalha de Minden em 1 de Agosto de 1759 e da Batalha de Vellinghausen em 16 de Julho de 1761 (Guerra dos Sete Anos).

French "Piémont Infanterie", protagonists in the Battle of Minden on 1th August 1759 and the Battle of Vellinghausen on 16th July 1761

10mm Figures - Pendraken

Update 21/05/2011

O exército francês continua a crescer.
Já consegui pintar 3 bases de cavalaria ligeira, os Hussardos Reais de Nassau.
Espero que continuem a gostar...

The French army continues to grow.
I already painted, until now, 3 light cavalry stands, the Royal-Nassau Hussards.
I hope you continue to like it...

The unit was created as a free corps as per the regulation of November 10 1756 for Guillaume Henri, prince of Nassau-Saarbruck. It was initially named Volontaires de Nassau-Saarbruck. The unit then consisted of 2 squadrons. Each squadron consisting of 2 companies of 75 men each.
On April 7 1758, the unit was renamed Volontaires Royaux de Nassau. On June 14 of the same year, the unit became the Royal Nassau Regiment and was incorporated into the regular German light cavalry. It counted 600 men divided up into 4 squadrons of 150 troopers (the standard organisation for a hussar regiment). However this regiment was the only hussar regiment to have the prévôté privilege, adding 1 provost to its staff.
During the Seven Years' War, the regiment was under the command of:
- since November 18 1756: Guillaume Henri, prince of Nassau-Saarbruck
The regiment kept the same organisation with the new regulation of 1764. It was disbanded in 1776.

Update 15/05/2011
E agora o General John Manners, Marquês de Granby, e a Cavalaria da Guarda Real
And now, the General John Manners, Marquess of Granby and his "Blues", the Royal Horse Guards".

Como habitual, as figuras são em 10mm da Pendraken.
As usual, the figures are in 10mm from Pendraken.
Adoro o o tipo do tambor
I love de drummer guy

Update 12/05/2011
E a minha colecção de figuras em 10mm da Guerra dos Sete Anos continua a aumentar.
Desta vez apresento um canhão de 12 libras do "Regimento Real de Artilharia Britânico", com o respectivo atrelado e cavalos de tracção e uma unidade de cavalaria pesada do "10º Regimento de Dragões".
O livro que serve de apoio ás figuras, é o conjunto de regras "Might & Reason", que escolhi para jogar este período da história militar.
Como habitual as figuras são da Pendraken.
Espero que gostem.

And my collection of 10mm figures in the Seven Years War continues to increase.
This time I present a 12-pound cannon of the "British Royal Regiment of Artillery", with their horses and linber, and a unit of heavy cavalry of the "10th Dragoons”.
The book that serves to support the figures, is the set of rules "Might & Reason", I chose to play this period of military history.
As usual the miniatures are Pendraken.
Hope you enjoy.
"British Royal Regiment of Artillery" and "Might & Reason" ruleset 

 "10th Dragoons” unit

Update 16/03/2011
Como referi anteriormente, o meu projecto da Guerra dos Sete Anos, progride lentamente.
Depois de pintar estas sete bases do 12º Regimento de Infantaria britânico, protagonista na Batalha de Minden em 1 de Agosto de 1759 e na Batalha de Vellinghausen em 16 de Julho de 1761 ao lado do Marquês de Granby, irei avançar com a pintura das unidades de cavalaria, que irão representar o "10th Dragoons".

As mentioned before, my project of the Seven Years War, progresses slowly.
After painting these seven bases of the British "12th Regiment of Foot" protagonists in the Battle of Minden on 1th August 1759 and the Battle of Vellinghausen on 16th July 1761 next to the Marquis of Granby, I will proceed with the painting of the cavalry units, who will represent the "10th Dragoons. "

Update 03/03/2011
O meu mais recente projecto de pintura, abrange desta vez o Século XVIII, mais propriamente as unidades que participaram na Batalha de Minden no ano de 1759.
Esta é a 1ª base realizada com esse propósito e representa o Batalhão Britânico,  12th Napier's Foot.
As figuras são em 10mm da Pendraken.

My most recent project of painting, this time covering the XVIII century, more specifically the units that participated in the Battle of Minden in 1759.
This is the 1st base held for this purpose and represents the British Battalion, 12th Napier's Foot.
The figures are in 10mm Pendraken.


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